Research-Music for FILM TRAILER

When finding music for our trailer, we wanted to find a number of royalty free tracks, which create a sense of disequilibrium, equilibrium and a sense of accelerating drama as the trailer progresses. However as our genre is a hybrid genre of gangster and crime it was very difficult to find royalty free tracks which went with our trailer, so we decided to use instrumentals .We need to have multiple tracks so that the music does not bore the audience, we also want momentum to be maintained throughout, and the music/sound effects plays a big part in that. 

                  This is an instrumental we thought would suit the first montage of our trailer, it sets a state of equilibrium, however the instrumental still fits into the gangster genre, which is crucial for the understanding of audience and so that they're able to identify the genre of the trailer.

I was able to find a royalty free track which matches our genre. This track will be suitable for an would come under the genre of grime due to the beats and rhythm. This allows the trailer to be recognised within its genre.
